Monday, January 31, 2011

Juice Up Your Life 101: Maroon Juice

                                                   photo taken by me :-)

This juice is an absolute yum to start your day. I made it this morning with 2 peeled sugar beets, 2 peeled large carrots, 1 pc large cucumber, and 1 jicamah (singkamas). I usually start my day with this drink. 

                                               photo taken from google image

Sugarbeet is rich in folate, manganese, vitamin C, magnesium, iron, copper and phosphorus. It contains nutrients rich in antioxidants that helps boost immune system and helps fight against heart disease as well as phytonutrients that has anti-inflammatory properties. It helps detoxifying the liver too.

                                                 photo taken from google image

Jicama or popularly known here in the Philippines as singkamas is my favorite vegetable to add on to any juice. It's like my seasoning to every juice that I make. It can do magic even to the bitter arugula. Its yummy taste blends well with pretty much everything. It is rich in sodium, iron, protein, Vitamin C and calcium. 

                                                        photo taken from google image

Carrots are one of the most healing foods available. It is an excellent source of pro-vitamin A, vitamins C,D,E,K,B1 and B6. It is rich in biotin, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium and some trace minerals as well as phytonutrients that promotes healing. 

                                                      photo taken from google image

I love to munch cucumber sprinkled with little himalayan salt and pepper. It is very refreshing and is rich in vitamins C, A, potasium, manganese, folate, magnesium and trace minerals. It soothes irritations and inflammation. 

Oh well, that's a load of info! You don't need to memorize the nutritional facts of each vegetable or fruit in your juices, but I just put it here anyway, just to show you how nutritious this juice is made of, and  how good it can do to your body. Now who would prefer colas over fresh juice?

Cheers! :-)


  1. Can you add the pulp to the juice for dietary fibers?

  2. Yes you can, however, some people find it too bothersome in the throat. Also, we try to remove much of the fiber to lessen the bulk, thus drinking more of the juice since you wont feel full right away. Like, if you eat raw carrots, the most that you can consume may is 3 or 4 pcs. However if you juice 1 glass of carrots, you need 6-8 carrots. So you'll have more intake of nutrients by drinking the juice. An ideal way of juicing leaves minimal amount of nutrients in the pulp. If you are after of the fiber intake, you may eat the fruits raw and veggies slightly steamed seasoned it with Braggs Amino Soy Sauce. :-)

  3. Thank your for your prompt reply. One more question Doc. Are there potentials for these mixed juices to interact with metabolism of prescribed medicines, the same way grapefruit juice affects intestinal and hepatic Cytochrome P450 and metabolism of many prescribed drugs?

  4. If you go on juice fasting, meaning you wont eat anything but drink juices to detoxify your body, it's advisable to NOT drink any medicines. However, if you will just take the juices as supplements to your diet, there's no adverse interactions to any medications.
