It has been a year or two since I had my greatest trial (yes greatest so far, and please not again :-S) in life. Oh i don't want to elaborate here on what it was that I went through cause I don't want to reminisce the not so good memories, but just a hint, it was the greatest test for me. I really had the toughest time then. Darn, at that time, it seemed like nothing could uplift me. I was way too low to be cheered up. Though my very supportive friends were there all through out my ordeal, and I'm forever grateful -- I tried all means to crawl away from that rotten pit. Spas, dining in to nice restaurants, nail posh, bookstores, tv, DVD series, everything and anything just to glimpse the sunshine, I did yet futile.
In one of my lamentable nights, I was unmindfully fiddling my itunes, and like the great heaven landed on my lap, I found solace to this one great soothing voice. A singing voice that was so consoling to me at that time. I didn't know who the singer was, and I didn't mind. As long as his song pacified me, and somehow eased the pains and the hurt, I was fine. I got by the days crying til it was impossible for me to cry for more, and listened to this particular song all over again until I rested. I'd been months of monotonous painful struggle that the only solace was his song, his voice. There was something in his singing voice that when I closed my eyes as I listened to him, a certain hint of high rushed into me. And it was very very soothing. His songs, played again and again all through out the day til I sleep, drove away the nightmare and patched my broken heart somehow.
In one of the activities that I was in, I happened to talk to someone, for a reason I could not recall anymore, and our conversation ended up to him sharing his composition of songs. Me, being the type of person who does appreciate original music, and amazed by somebody who could make music, I put his songs into my itunes. Lo and behold! he was the one I was listening to for months already! He was the one! Since then, he became very special to me, and am forever grateful of him. In my heart I know he is a gift from Above, given to me in the darkest time of my life - a voice that became my sunshine and forever will be...
He is celebrating his birthday, and the reason that I blog this, is to let him know that I am forever grateful of him and his songs, and to let others know that in the darkest, most painful ordeal that we are facing, God provides solace thru friends and loved ones or even thru a voice from a stranger. We'll just open our hearts of His grace for He won't give us something that we can't endure... God is always there for you and me, at all times.
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